Wolfenstein II

Game Save Location

Wolfenstein 2: The New Colossus is the second in the world War series following the successful release of Wolfenstein: The New Order from 1981 (with a number of updates following this, the most recent being in July 2019). Wolfenstein 2 was first released on 27 October 2017 and is available on PlayStation 4, Nintendo Switch, Xbox One and Microsoft Windows.

The game, which is played from a first-person perspective and set in a war zone, allows players to complete a number of missions to progress through the game with the end goal of freeing Americans from the Nazis. To do this, players will have to complete three chapters including: The Mission: Liberate America from the Nazis, The People: Rally the Resistance and The Arsenal: Wield Devastating Guns and Future Tech.

Developed by Machine Games and Published by Bethesda Softworks, Wolfenstein 2 has been received fairly well by fans with a review score of 81% on PC Gamer and 7/10 on Steam.

Game Save Location

Unlike some games, Wolfenstein II has made its save files fairly easy to access. You can find them in the following folder:

%UserProfile%\Saved Games\MachineGames\ Wolfenstein Youngblood\base\savegame

If you don't know what on earth the above text means, don't panic, we'll guide you through the steps you need to take:

  1. Open a Run window - you can do this by pressing WINDOWS + R on your keyboard, or right clicking the start menu button and clicking Run
  2. Paste the above path into the text field (%UserProfile%\Saved Games\MachineGames\ Wolfenstein Youngblood\base\savegame)
  3. Click OK and that's you inside the Wolfenstein II save folder!